- loves to cook
- is an office supply junkie
- loves staying organized ( the words "organization excites me" came out of my mouth the other day)
- is decorating our first house on a dime
- is decorating our first house on a dime AND mastering the fine art of compromising every step of the way (one of us loves color, the other is colorblind ... true story )
- loves anything DIY
- is crafty (I scrapbook, cross stitch, paint, make jewelry, you name it, I will try it)
- is constantly sharing her recipes
- is happiest behind a camera
- is willing to give any project a shot
- is chubby and LOVES clothes (seriously, I have taken over two closets in our house)
- will love an item 100x more for getting it on sale than if I had paid full price for it
Long story short, I do a bit of everything. I hate to pay for something that I can do or make myself with a little elbow grease and ingenuity.
I intend for this to be a sharing of those ideas, my good and sometimes not so great ideas, my Pinterest fails and Pinterest wins, my good enough to repeat recipes and the ones we are just going to choose to forget I ever made, my successful save a buck ideas and anything else that I stumble across over in my little corner of the world.
That's US!
I say US, not because my better half will likely be contributing to this writing this blog (he won't be), but because he is my Dash-Man (Mrs. Dash always makes things a little better, Kevin too). He is always a great sounding board for my ideas. He is my muscle and man power when needed, an approving smile when I have done well or a gentle nod of no when my idea is just a little too far fetched or more than I can handle and a cute "you were right and I was wrong" laugh when a project turns out far better than he thought it would, when I knew all along it would be fantastic.
Bear with me while I learn how to do this and I am sure change the layout and format a gazillion times, hopefully along the way I can show you a useful idea or two that worked for us.
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